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  • Fugang Duan's avatar
    ENGR00224109 - MX6 : FEC : optimize ENET_REF_CLK PAD configuration. · 5722518f
    Fugang Duan authored
    In MX6 Arik and Rigel platforms, RGMII tx_clk clock source is from
    ENET_REF_CLK pad supplied by phy. To optimize the clk signal path,
    the ENET_REF_CLK I/O must have this configuration:
    	1. Disable on-chip pull-up, pull-down, and keeper
    	2. Disable hysteresis
    	3. Speed = 100 MHz
    	4. Slew rate = fast
    The optimizition make the bias point match the optimum point, which
    can maximize design margin.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFugang Duan <>