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  • Yasuaki Ishimatsu's avatar
    cfq-iosched: fix cfq_cic_link() race confition · cec3c159
    Yasuaki Ishimatsu authored
    commit 5eb46851 upstream.
    cfq_cic_link() has race condition. When some processes which shared ioc
    issue I/O to same block device simultaneously, cfq_cic_link() returns -EEXIST
    sometimes. The race condition might stop I/O by following steps:
    step  1: Process A: Issue an I/O to /dev/sda
    step  2: Process A: Get an ioc (iocA here) in get_io_context() which does not
    		    linked with a cic for the device
    step  3: Process A: Get a new cic for the device (cicA here) in
    step  4: Process B: Issue an I/O to /dev/sda
    step  5: Process B: Get iocA in get_io_context() since process A and B share the
    		    same ioc
    step  6: Process B: Get a new cic for the device (cicB here) in
    		    cfq_alloc_io_context() since iocA has not been linked with a
    		    cic for the device yet
    step  7: Process A: Link cicA to iocA in cfq_cic_link()
    step  8: Process A: Dispatch I/O to driver and finish it
    step  9: Process B: Try to...