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  • Nick Piggin's avatar
    fs: scale mntget/mntput · b3e19d92
    Nick Piggin authored
    The problem that this patch aims to fix is vfsmount refcounting scalability.
    We need to take a reference on the vfsmount for every successful path lookup,
    which often go to the same mount point.
    The fundamental difficulty is that a "simple" reference count can never be made
    scalable, because any time a reference is dropped, we must check whether that
    was the last reference. To do that requires communication with all other CPUs
    that may have taken a reference count.
    We can make refcounts more scalable in a couple of ways, involving keeping
    distributed counters, and checking for the global-zero condition less
    - check the global sum once every interval (this will delay zero detection
      for some interval, so it's probably a showstopper for vfsmounts).
    - keep a local count and only taking the global sum when local reaches 0 (this
      is difficult for vfsmounts, because we can't hold preempt off for the life of
      a reference, so a counter would need to be per-thread or tied...