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  • Suresh Siddha's avatar
    x86, mtrr: lock stop machine during MTRR rendezvous sequence · 6857336c
    Suresh Siddha authored
    commit 6d3321e8 upstream.
    MTRR rendezvous sequence using stop_one_cpu_nowait() can potentially
    happen in parallel with another system wide rendezvous using
    stop_machine(). This can lead to deadlock (The order in which
    works are queued can be different on different cpu's. Some cpu's
    will be running the first rendezvous handler and others will be running
    the second rendezvous handler. Each set waiting for the other set to join
    for the system wide rendezvous, leading to a deadlock).
    MTRR rendezvous sequence is not implemented using stop_machine() as this
    gets called both from the process context aswell as the cpu online paths
    (where the cpu has not come online and the interrupts are disabled etc).
    stop_machine() works with only online cpus.
    For now, take the stop_machine mutex in the MTRR rendezvous sequence that
    gets called from an online cpu (here we are in the process context
    and can potentially sleep while tak...